Tuesday, May 19, 2020

May 19, Tuesday

Bell Work

Remember to watch, watch, watch!

Letter Ss

Letter Tt

Writer's Journal Prompt:
Write a story about the things your mother does to make you happy.
Think on it and answer thoughtfully. What does she do? Make you your favorite food? Games? Do you have time together?
Remember to answer in 4 complete sentences!

Social Studies
Read pages 1 and 2 and answer the question in at least 2 sentences. Color the picture too!

 Step 1: Start with drawing a large heart on your paper.

 Step 2: Find something with a straight edge to draw lines through your heart. I used my folder that I am storing my work for this week in. You can use your folder too!

 Draw the lines from different sides of the paper all over your heart.

Step 3: Go over all the lines in a black marker, pen or Sharpie and pick two colors to use.

Step 4: Color the triangles inside the heart one color.
 I colored every triangle in the heart. I also had to color one rectangle piece because of how the lines connected. You want to try to color every other area of the heart.

Step 5: Then I took my second color and colored in the white areas of the heart and added a little design to it.
 Step 6: Color the opposite areas outside of the heart. The same color should not touch itself. For example, my green colors do not touch and my red colors do not touch. Red touches green and green touches red but there is no red with red and green with green.

 Step 7: Fill in the white areas with your first color.

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