Monday, May 11, 2020

May 11, Monday

Remember to watch all of the videos! They are important!
Letter Ii

Letter Jj

Writer's Journal Prompt
What is your favorite thing about spring?
*Answer this question in 4 sentences in your writer's notebook. Write the date and question at the top of your entry, just like you would with Mrs. Eby. What do you love to do in spring? Are there special birthdays for you or your family members? Are there special games or family nights? What is your favorite thing?

Today you'll be reading "The Walls Come Tumbling Down." I'm sure you know this story, but take a read anyway! It's always good to read it or hear it again.

Social Studies
This week you will be working on a very fun and special project- your Covid-19 Time Capsule. This is so you can remember this time and what it was like.
Complete the following pages:
  • Nicely color the cover "My 2020 Covid-19 Time Capsule"
  • "You Are Living Through History Right Now"
  • "Interview Your Parents" (you ask them the questions and write down their answers as they say them.)

I scream, you scream, we all scream for Ice Cream!

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